An upcoming sports drama television series based on the novel of the same name by Kwame Alexander named The Crossover has released a new trailer by Disney+ of the series.
The Crossover is a heartwarming story filled with twists and turns about a family of basketball players. The series follows two teen brothers Josh played by Jalyn Hall and Jordan played by Amir O’Neil Bell, widely known for basketball.
The story will be shown in the narrative form by the adult version of Josh played by Daveed Diggs and narrates the story of his and his brother’s coming-of-age, on and off the basketball court, as their former professional basketball player father adjusts to life after basketball and their mother finally pursues lifelong dreams of her own.
Along with Hall, O’Neil, Luke, and Revelle, the series also features Daveed Diggs, Deja Monique Cruz as the Bell brothers’ best friend Maya, Trevor Raine Bush as the Bell brothers, and Skyla I’Lece as Alexis. Darone Okolie and Himie Freeman will play the adult versions of Josh and Jordan, respectively.
The Crossover is set to be released on April 4, 2023, on Disney Channel and April 5, 2023, on Disney+.
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