The new upcoming K-drama series “King The Land” premiered on JTBC on June 17, 2023, and follows Goo Won played by Lee Jun-ho who is the heir of The King Group and was thrown into an inheritance war on the other hand Cheon Sa-rang played by Im Yoon-ah is a hotelier with smiling face.
Filming of the series ‘King the Land’ took place particularly in South Korea and Thailand and particularly in Seoul and Bangkok. The filming of the series started in September 2022 and wrapped up in early 2023.
Recently YoonA spoke to Allure Korea and shared about King The Land her upcoming drama currently airing on the South Korean network JTBC and internationally on Netflix.
During the interview, YoonA shared about the filming for the series and it took 10 months to complete which is the longest of any K-drama she has ever done.
“I think I’ve also forgotten what my everyday life without ‘King the Land’ is like,” she said. “There are a lot of pros and cons. In the past, I would barely sleep and film 16 episodes in three months,” Junho another co-star explained.
“When you film at the same time as broadcasts, you can see feedback and take it into account. On the other hand, there’s sufficient preparation time for pre-productions, it feels like you’re increasing its completeness.” Junho added.
Junho also spoke about his chemistry with YoonA as they both are a couple in the show, “The director always said this: ‘You two are so good at caring for each other’,” he revealed.
YoonA added “If the leads have good chemistry and banter well, I think you watch more enjoyably. […] That’s why we filmed while making sure you could feel our chemistry in each line.”
Here is the trailer of the series check it out and stay tuned for more updates on the series and make sure you watch the series as it’s available on Netflix.
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