An American science fiction action film “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” was released on June 9, 2023, and a DVD featuring a short titled “Battleground,” filming was done by Michael Bay, Ilt Jones, and Ian Bryce together.
“Transformers” DVD featured a short titled “Battleground,” named and the director Michael Bay‘s key locations manager Ilt Jones, and producer Ian Bryce shared about difficulties the production cast and crew faced finding the right spots for filming the sequences in the film. Michael also talked about The significant landmark in the movie famous Griffith Observatory.
“Ilt, a new guy I worked with, I thought I was gonna give the guy a heart attack,” Bay said and Bay recalled that the filmmaker Jones informed him and the crew members that they couldn’t shoot at the observatory, and that “it hasn’t been shot in five years. I said, ‘It’s a big movie, you can do it, go to the mayor’s office, you can do it.'”
Michael Bay also recalled Ilt Jones run into trouble after they decided to shoot at a bridge featuring four helicopters and advised them to go to the mayor’s office, adding, “We’re keeping this film down in California!”
And the Jones part of the movie ended up with both of those shots, but he added, “Every day is a roller coaster for me, I don’t know if it’s the same for every department but, you know, I find myself on the verge of tears one minute and then hysterical laughter the next. ” Jones said about filming “Transformers”.
Jones also talked about Bay and said he is a filmmaker who “likes to go hard and fast, he has the shock and awe approach to scouting.”
The crew also filmed in Holloman Air Force Base at the Hoover Dam but “We’d get certain hours early in the morning where we could be up on the top of the dam,” Ian Bryce the producer shared, and then as soon as the crowds came around 10 o’clock we had to then go inside or down below.”
The Hoover Dam was used as the home of the AllSpark in the film which was a powerful alien cube that grants the Transformers their life force, and the Hoover Dam location was not easy to get and took a bit of convincing.
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