The Tailor Filming Location: The Tailor is a Turkish Drama Mystery Thriller series created by Cem Karci. The story episodes are written by Gülseren Budayicioglu, Onur Güvenatam, Rana Mamatlioglu, and Bekir Baran Sitki.
It stars Çağatay Ulusoy, Salih Bademci, Şifanur Gül, and Olgun Şimşek and is produced by Onur Güvenatam for OGM Pictures.
When and Where Was The Tailor Filmed?
Name | The Tailor |
Genre | Drama, Mystery, Thriller |
Filmimg Location | Turkey |
Filming Dates | 2022 |
Release Date | 2 May 2023 |
The filming of The Tailor series originally took place in Turkey, particularly in Istanbul and the Kırklareli province. The Tailor series season 1 filming began seemingly on 29 March 2022 and wrapped up on 15 June 2022, and the filming of season 2 began on July 2022 till 20 August 2022.
The Tailor Filming Locations
The cast and crew went to different places in Turkey to shoot and shoot the whole series there.
Are you curious to know where The Tailor was filmed??? To know where The Tailor was filmed, read this article and gather all the information about the filming location. This article will give you all the information about The Tailor Filming Locations.
Istanbul, Turkey
The Middle Eastern transcontinental country “Turkey” is located mainly on the Anatolian Peninsula in Western Asia and a small part on the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe. Ankara is the capital of Türkiye.
Istanbul is known as Constantinople, and it is one of the biggest and most well-known cities in Turkey, which extends across Europe and Asia across the Bosphorus Strait.
Istanbul’s Old City reflects the cultural influences of many empires. Most of the scenes were filmed in Istanbul and around Istanbul.
Kirklareli, Turkey
Karakalareli is a province on the western coast of north-western Turkey. Most of the flashback scenes in the series were filmed in and around the Province. The Kışlacık a village in the District of Vize can be seen regularly throughout the various episodes of the series.
Evrim Alasya, who played Kiraz, also posted pictures on her Instagram from the set during filming in the Kırklareli Province in Turkey.
Kars, Turkey
Kars is a well-known city on the northeast side of Turkey. The country seat of Kars Province and Kars District. This place is known for the livestock trade and is famous for its cheese. People in Kars are Sunni Muslims; some scenes of this series have also been shot in Kars.
The Tailor Overview
The series is focused on a well-known tailor who begins sewing a wedding dress for his best friend’s fiancée – but all three of them have dark secrets that will soon turn their lives upside down.
The Tailor Official Trailer
You can watch the trailer below:
The series was released on 2 May 2023 on Netflix, and the second season of the series is set to release on 28 Jul. 2023. (External link: IMDB)
Where was The Tailor filmed?
The Tailor was filmed in Turkey.
When did The Tailor start filming?
The Tailor started filming in 2022.
When The Tailor was released?
The series premiered on 2 May 2023 on Netflix.
When is the 2nd season of The Tailor series going to release?
The first episode of the second season of The Tailor series is likely to be released on 28 July 2023.
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