“The Price is Right” an American television game show is about to say goodbye to its home “Bob Barker Studio 33 in Television City” of 51 years and shifting to another filming studio.
The official account of the series posted a video announcing the news and captioned it, “It’s been an amazing, historic run at Bob Barker Studio 33. Join us Monday for a farewell before we head to our new studio next season!”
Host Drew Carey said in a video, “We’re about to film the very last episode of The Price is Right at the Bob Barker Studio at Television City in California,”.
“I used to tell people there was magic in the wood here because of all the good vibes that have been in this studio, all the laughs and all the fun that have been here, put our own good vibes into that new place.” Carey continued.
On 3 July 2023 Monday, the CBS game show’s final spin episode will be last on the storied stage before the production begins filming at a new studio in the Northeast Los Angeles neighborhood of Glendale.
Carey added Monday’s farewell show will be historic along with George Gray the Narrator also teased the episode would “tip our hat to this amazing stage.”
The show celebrated the final episode in the old studio and shared photos on Instagram on June 26 The Price is Right Farewell to Home studio and captioned it, “Today we say farewell to the legendary Bob Barker Studio. Thank you for all the memories. We’ll see everybody in Glendale next season!”
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