Shepherd Filming Locations: Shepherd is a Drama Film which is directed and scripted by Aaron Inman. The film stars include Nirine S. Brown, Julian Gant, Wendell Kinney, and many more…
When and Where Was Aarose Productions’ Film Shepherd Filmed?
Aarose Productions’ Film “Shepherd” was filmed in the USA, particularly around Florida‘s Melbourne, with principal photography taking place in 2023.
Shepherd Filming Locations-
Here is a guide to all the locations of Shepherd Filming Locations:
Are you one of those who loves to discover the filming locations of your favorite Movies or TV Series? This is the right place for you to check the filming locations for various movies and TV series.
In the below article, we will see the different places where Shepherd was filmed.
📍Melbourne, Florida, USA
As per the report of IMDB, Florida’s city of Melbourne is the primary location for Shepherd. Florida is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States. The specialty of this region is that most of its land mass looks like a large peninsula.
It is also home to several tourist attractions, such as Walt Disney World and Universal Studios. Florida has the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other.
Melbourne is a City in Florida that was used by the filming unit for the filming of Shepherd. This place is noted for its Brevard Zoo and open-air habitats.
Stay tuned to the post for information on other filming locations of Shepherd. We will update the post soon.
People also ask:-
What is the Filming Location of Shepherd?
Shepherd was Filmed in the USA (Florida).
When did Shepherd start filming?
Shepherd starts filming in 2023.
The upcoming 2023 drama film Shepherd is expected to be released in the United States on December 22, 2023, by Aarose Productions.
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