School Spirits Filming Locations: School Spirits series follows Maddie, who goes on a crime-solving journey and is stuck in the afterlife investigating as she adjusts to high school purgatory.
This series includes cast members Peyton List, Kristian Flores, Spencer Macpherson, Kiara Pichardo, Sarah Yarkin, Nick Pugliese, Rainbow Wedell, Josh Zuckerman, Maria Dizzia, Kalyn Miles, and Patrick Gilmore.
When and Where was Paramount+’s School Spirits filmed?
School Spirits Filming Locations-
School Spirits Filming Locations in Canada
There are several locations in Canada that are frequently used for filming. If you’re planning to visit Canada, you can visit these popular filming locations to actually see them and experience the filmy world.
1. Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver is a west coast seaport in British Columbia and a popular filming location surrounded by mountains. It also has thriving art, theatre, and music scenes.
The cast and crew set up camp in the city and filmed in and surrounding areas of the location to shoot different scenes also the premises of an old property at Heather and 37th Avenue in Vancouver used to film the Split River High School scenes.
The cast members of School Spirits also posted some pictures during filming in Vancouver, British Columbia.
School Spirits Official Trailer
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