Obliterated Filming Locations: Obliterated is an Action, Comedy, and Drama Television Series which is Created by Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg, and Josh Heald.
Stars starring in the series include Nick Zano, Shelley Hennig, Terrence Terrell, Alyson Gorske, C. Thomas Howell, Eugene Kim, Paola Lázaro, Kimi Rutledge, and more…
Storyline: The upcoming Netflix series follows a special forces team that tracks a deadly terrorist network to save Las Vegas as terrorists threaten to destroy Las Vegas.
When and Where Was Netflix’s Series Obliterated filmed?
Discover Obliterated Filming Locations-
According to the IMDB Reports, the film crew discovered locations across the United States to film Obliterated and they ultimately chose locations such as New Mexico, Nevada, and California to provide the perfect backdrop for the film.
📍Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
US State New Mexico is a primary location for Obliterated Series, which is noted for its stunning landscapes and diverse array of attractions.
The production team set up camp in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and captured several important scenes, Albuquerque is known worldwide as one of the cities with the most cultural diversity.
📍Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Las Vegas is a City in Nevada that is noted for its gambling, shopping, fine dining, entertainment, and nightlife.
The city of Las Vegas, often referred to as Vegas, is the 25th most populous city in the United States as well as the county seat of Clark County. Las Vegas was used by the production crew to film Several Scenes of Obliterated.
You can clearly see several Las Vegas locations in the film. The location in the opening scene of the trailer below is actually Las Vegas.
📍The STRAT Hotel, Casino & Tower
Address: 2000 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89104, United States
The STRAT Hotel is a 3-star hotel in Las Vegas, You can also see glimpses of this hotel and its surrounding places in this series.
📍Los Angeles, California, USA
The film crew has used some of the locations in Los Angeles to film “Obliterated.”
Los Angeles is a large California city located in the south and the center of the country’s film and television industries. Los Angeles is noted for Hollywood stars, TV and Film industries, and gorgeous beaches.
Behind-the-scenes scenes of Obliterated:-
In the Instagram post given below, you can see the behind-the-scenes scenes of the Obliterated Series. In the post, a resident of Las Vegas has taken a photo with the stars of the series and shared it on his social media account.
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Obliterated Official Trailer
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