Nature of Love Filming locations: Nature of Love is a Comedy Drama and, romance that is directed and Penned by Monia Chokri. The Film Stars include Magalie Lépine-Blondeau and Pierre-Yves Cardinal, and many more…
When and Where Was MK2 Films’s Film Nature of Love filmed?
Find the places where Nature of Love was filmed in Canada

Nature of Love Filming Locations-
North America is a Continent, and Canada is a country located in North America that consists of ten provinces and three union territories. Ottawa is the Capital of Canada.
Canada extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and, in its northern part, to the Arctic Ocean. It is the 2nd largest country in the world by area.
📍Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Québec City is a City in Canada, which is famous for producing maple syrup, for its comedy, and for making hockey one of the most popular sports in Canada. Primarily, Quebec City is located on the Saint Lawrence River in the French-speaking province of Quebec; Here, you will find many stone buildings and narrow streets.

Montreal is the largest city in Canada’s Quebec province, named after Mt. Royal Montreal city is located on an island in the St. Lawrence River. Montreal is known for hosting international events and is also home to the famous Cirque de Soleil.
You can see many of the Montreal locations in the 2023 film Nature of Love, The filming unit used the street facilities of Montreal to provide a suitable backdrop for the film.
In addition to Montreal, there are the following other locations in Québec, Canada, where Nature of Love was filmed:
- Sylvain’s living place and Sophia’s Summer home are shown in the movie, filmed in Laurentides.
- Morin-Heights, Laurentides.
- Wentworth-Nord, Laurentides.
- Harrington, Laurentides.
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