Bottoms Filming Locations: Bottoms is a 2023 Comedy film which is directed by Emma Seligman and Penned by Emma Seligman and Rachel Sennott.
When and Where Was MGM’s Film Bottoms filmed?
Know the places where Bottoms was filmed in the USA

Bottoms Filming Locations-
📍New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
The majority of the Film was shot in the United States of America, with the primary filming taking place in Louisiana. Several Scenes of This film were shot around Louisiana’s City New Orleans. Louisiana is a sparsely populated state. Extensive on-location filming was done in the city by the production team.
New Orleans, located in the United States of America, New Orleans is located along the Mississippi–Missouri River in Scheer Southeastern Louisiana. New Orleans is a beautiful city surrounded by a lake on the Gulf of Mexico in the east and Lake Potcharen to the north. School scenes Featured in this Film were also shot at New Orleans.

The filming unit used the facilities of schools located in New Orleans for filming, paying special attention to school gymnasiums, classrooms, corridors, or outdoor fields.
When the film’s makeup head Natalie Christine Johnson was asked to share her best experience of filming during a conversation with Screen Rant in August 2023, Natalie was asked by Screen Rant if there was any particular scene where everyone had the most fun during the filming of Bottoms, so she said:
“Oh, yeah. The fight montage in the gym. That was done in one day. It was basically just running to the trailer, running back, cleaning it up, doing another version of it, (and) running back.”
Natalie Added:- “That was so much fun, and you could tell that the girls were really into it because they got to play around. For some of them, it was their first time doing stunts like that.”
People also ask:-
What is the Filming Location of Bottoms?
When was Bottoms start filming?
When was Bottom End filming?
Bottoms ends filming on September 12, 2022.
Where you can watch Bottoms?
Bottoms Plotline
Bottoms Official Trailer
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