Dive into the world of Blind Date Book Club filming to simplify your search we have used features like image comparison, high-quality images, and videos of the locations for your convenience, along with interactive elements like maps.
Blind Date Book Club is Hallmark‘s upcoming film filled with the Romance genre. Its directorial credit goes to Peter Benson and Aloha Heart writer Nicole Baxter Penned Blind Date Book Club’s Story.
The Film stars include Erin Krakow, Robert Buckley, Hilary Jardine, Johannah Newmarch, Glynis Davies, and many more…
When and Where Was Hallmark’s Film Blind Date Book Club filmed?
📍Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada
The Canadian Province of British Columbia is the primary location for this hallmark film and is well known for its diverse landscape and vast forests with mountains and beautiful sandy beaches surrounding it, including lakes and grassy plains, which made it an ideal filming location.

The filming unit filmed several movie scenes near the Gibsons. Gibson is a sparsely populated coastal community and a Canadian town on the Sunshine Coast along a strait in southwestern British Columbia.
This Place is noted as the setting for the CBC television series The Beachcombers aired from 1972 to 1990 and for its picturesque seafront, mountain views and for its outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, and beachcombing.
📍Langley, British Columbia
Langley is a City in British Columbia, Canada, which was incorporated on March 15, 1955, and noted for its distinctive retail offerings and eateries. It is also a municipality in the Metro Vancouver Regional District.

You will be further surprised to know that during the filming of Blind Date Book Club, the film crew had to face a sudden snow storm.
The film actress “Erin Krakow” told Digital Journal about her experience of filming, she said:-
Behind the Scenes of Blind Date Book Club
To give you a taste of the intricacies of the filming of Blind Date Book Club, we have found a behind-the-scenes post for you.
Not Long ago on April 2, 2024, Marrying Father Christmas star Erin Krakow who plays Meg Tompkins in this movie shared a post on his official Instagram while filming Blind Date Book Club, which you can see here:-
Apart from this, the actress also shared many other posts and Behind the Scenes Clips from the set:-
In addition to these behind the scenes, you can find more behind the scenes by visiting actress Erin Krakow’s official Instagram account and also In an interview with TV Goodness, Erin Krakow said:-
“The scenes in the bookshop are so charming, even though you’re not necessarily getting the magnificent Nantucket scenery outside of it.”
She further added:-
“Our crew did such a fantastic job creating this bookshop within a little hotel in Langley. I’ve got to give them a lot of credit. Anytime I stepped into that set, I really felt like I was in a charming little small town bookshop.”
Continue your search with us as we add more information…
What is the Filming Location of Blind Date Book Club?
Blind Date Book Club was Filmed in Canada (British Columbia).
When did Blind Date Book Club start filming?
Blind Date Book Club starts filming in
Where you can watch Blind Date Book Club?
You Can Watch Blind Date Book Club on Hallmark Cha
Blind Date Book Club Official Trailer
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