Ghosts is a British sitcom on BBC One that has a total of 4 seasons and it is to end after the upcoming fifth season. The team behind the British comedy series has announced the news and has recently wrapped filming.
“After five incredible years haunting the halls of Button House, we have decided that the time is right to let our beloved sitcom Ghosts rest in peace,” actor Ben Willbond who played Captain in the series, posted the shared statement on his Twitter account.
An image of the main cast in full costume standing outside the fictional Button House mansion was posted by Ben Willbond with the caption “We have just wrapped filming on our fifth and final series and can’t wait to share it with you all later this year.”
“We could never have imagined the reception the show has enjoyed, or the fun we have had making it, and we would like to thank our amazing cast and crew as well as everyone at BBC Comedy, BBC1, and Monumental Television for their tireless support. But most of all we’d like to thank everyone who watches.” he shared.
BBC’s ‘Ghosts’ is Ending With Season 5 still the series must come to an end but It’s been fun, thank you for the stories! You can watch the series 4 seasons on HBO Max.