A Million Miles Away Filming Locations: A Million Miles Away is a Biographical Drama Film that is directed by Alejandra Márquez Abella and Penned by Bettina Gilois, Hernán Jiménez, Alejandra Márquez Abella.
It is based on the life of Jose M. Hernandez, the first Mexican-American astronaut, The Film Stars include Michael Peña, Garret Dillahunt, Julio Cesar Cedillo, Rosa Salazar, Veronica Falcón, and many more…
When and Where Was Prime Video’s Film A Million Miles Away filmed?
A Million Miles Away Filming Locations-
Discover the places where A Million Miles Away was filmed in Mexico
📍Mexico City, Mexico
North America is a Continent and Mexico is a Country in North America, Known as Mexico The United Mexican States, is a federal republic in North America. It is the 13th largest country in the world in terms of area. Various locations in Mexico City were used to film most of the scenes in A Million Miles Away.
Mexico City is the Capital of Mexico, It is a densely populated capital Popular for its Templo Mayor, Palacio Nacional, and the Metropolitana de México, the Baroque cathedral of the Spanish conquistadors. The Capital City is noted for its rich history, vibrant art scene, world-class cuisine, and beautiful green spaces.
📍San Luis Potosí, Mexico
San Luis Potosi is a Mexican state, The state of San Luis Potosí was also one of the locations selected for the filming of the movie A Million Miles Away which is noted for its Spanish Baroque-style cathedral, the state capitol, and several ornately decorated churches. The state, known as SLP, is located mainly in central Mexico
📍Texcoco, Mexico
Texcoco is a City in Mexico, The director along with other production department members were also spotted by locals in Texcoco, a city northeast of Mexico City.
Also called Texcoco de Mora, it is located mainly northeast of Mexico City, 25 km north of Mexico City, and is also the municipal seat of Texcoco de Mora. Texcoco is noted as an island which is situated on the western side of the lake, Mexica built the city of Mēxihco Tenōchtitlan.
Apart from the above-mentioned locations, some important scenes of the film were also recorded in Santiago de Querétaro. For filming, the production team traveled and set up camps throughout Mexico, including the city of Santiago de Querétaro.
People also ask:-
What is the Filming Location of A Million Miles Away?
When was A Million Miles Away start filming?
When was A Million Miles Away end filming?
A Million Miles Away ends filming in October 2022.
A Million Miles Away Plotline
A Million Miles Away Official Trailer
You must be well aware that the location is one of the most important aspects of your film. For many movies or series, sound stages are used to film interior scenes, while the filming unit selects the location to film exterior scenes.
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