Kenya Moore Triumphs in Court: Victory to Film with Daughter Brooklyn on RHOA

After fighting a court battle with her husband Marc Daly, Now Kenya Moore can make a film The Real Housewives of Atlanta with their daughter named Brooklyn, against the wishes of her estranged has learned that Kenya’s husband, Marc Daly, has put the condition that the reality star be found guilty of contempt of court after their daughter, became involved in an RHOA fight.

According to the documents of the court which were obtained by, a 4-year-old was there when RHOA star Marlo Hampton kick’s the door of Kenya’s hotel room, where Brooklyn was sleeping.

The couple is in the bitter battle of divorce, before feeling the divorce with Marc, Kenya also filed a case for custody, pleading for primary custody. On the other hand, Marc fought to keep Brooklyn away from RHOA.

Husband Marc Daly and Kenya Moore go along with the judge’s decision that Kenya would have sole custody of daughter, and Marc can also visit her. The judge also said that Brooklyn may attend the RHOA but with restrictions.

The judge stated, “not convinced, and no evidence has been shown, that” Mom Kenya would have the custody of Brooklyn “any environment that might not be in the minor child’s best interest, or may in any way be considered dangerous or inappropriate.”

“[Kenya] shall notify [Marc] of any opportunity where the minor child will appear on camera and shall advise [Marc] of the content of the appearance; the minor child will only be involved in opportunities that are age appropriate.”

Marc Daly also reveals the court order stated, “[Marc] shall be allowed daily telephonic, and/or video visitation with the minor child.”

Marc also said he can “repeatedly requests calls and Facetime with [Brooklyn], and provides available times”. Marc also reveals that he had only spoken two times with the daughter in the month of June and alleged Kenya of refusing to “cooperate in personal visits”.

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