The Last of Us is an American post-apocalyptic drama television series that released its first season on January 15, 2023, with episodes released weekly. In January 2023, the series was renewed for a second season.
During an interview with Collider, lead character Pedro Pascal of The Last of Us was asked if there was a chance that Season 2 would start filming this year. “In the year 2023? Oh, what season are we in now? We’re getting into spring?” he playfully said.
Pedro Pascal then came around and said “Yes, there is a chance. Yes.” but it hasn’t been officially stated by the creatives behind The Last of Us yet.
The Season 2 update has been given by Bella Ramsey as she spoke briefly about exploring some of the storylines from Part II. “I’m really excited, to be honest, for the Ellie/Dina story,” she told on the Happy Sad Confused podcast.
Here is the official trailer by HBO for season 1 of the series. and stay tuned for more updates on the series filming.