Fantastic Four is an Action, Adventure, and Sci-Fi Film that follows the Fantastic 4, known as one of Marvel’s most iconic families. As most of the film development work was halted due to the “SAG-AFTRA” or “WGA” strikes, one of the films was Fantastic Four.
Recently an update on Fantastic Four has come that after the strike is over, the cast of this film will be announced, and also there has been news that the filming of this new Marvel film will start in 2024.
As soon as the strike ended it emerged that the cast of the Fantastic Four reboot could be officially announced.
During a recent interview with Collider Film Director Matt Shakman said:-
The four actors playing Marvel’s First Family in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot may be officially confirmed after the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists strike.
This interview took place for the upcoming Apple TV+ series Monarch: Legacy of Monsters. Rumors about this film have been circulating online for months, Rumors have it that actors Vanessa Kirby and Joseph Quinn are being considered for the roles of Sue Storm and Johnny Storm in the film.
When and where filming of “Fantastic Four” may take place
While Marvelous has not yet made any official confirmation about the cast of Fantastic 4. Along with this, filmmaker Matt also said that Fantastic Four can start its production in the year 2024.
Director Shakman explained:- “Yes, we are definitely gonna go in front of cameras next year,” “Probably the spring. [It will shoot in] London. Pinewood.”
MCU’s Fantastic Four is different from other Marvel films
It has also been said that the film is unlike anything Marvel fans have seen before, While when asked for the details of the film’s story, the director did not say anything.
Matt Shakman further said:- “It’s different in so many ways,”
“I wish I could be specific. I wish I could say more. But we are doing things very differently from a story standpoint, from an approach to the filmmaking standpoint, that really fits the material. I wish I could say more. I would love to, but I can’t. But I think it’s going to be unlike anything you’ve seen before, and certainly unlike anything at Marvel that you’ve seen before.”
Even before this, Matt Shakman has directed many films and series including WandaVision for Marvel Studios, Along with this, he has also directed many episodes, such as Fargo, The Boys, Game of Thrones, and Succession.
When will Fantastic 4 be released?
Recently Fantastic 4 is expected to be released on May 2, 2025, Which is likely to be released as part of Phase 6 of the MCU.